Economic Highlights Direct TaxIndirect TaxEconomic Highlights INDIA’s GROWTH IN LAST 10 YEARS The Indian economy has witnessed great transformation under PM Modi with mantra “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas”. The government has helped...
Home / Budgets
Highlights of Union Budget 2023-2024
Overview of Indian Economy Income Tax ProposalsGoods & Service Tax (GST)Excise & Custom Duty ProposalsOverview of Indian EconomyVision for Amrit Kaal – An empowered and inclusive economyUnion Finance Minister highlighted that “Our vision for the Amrit Kaal...
Highlights of Union Budget 2022-2023
Business Opportunities: Union BudgetOverview of Indian EconomyIncome Tax ProposalsGoods & Service Tax (GST) Excise & Custom Duty ProposalsBusiness Opportunities: Union Budget Domestic Defence Production Units: DRDO to provide technology – Rs. 200,000 crore...
Highlights of Union Budget 2020-2021
Highlights of Union Budget 2019-2020
Direct TaxesIndian Stamp Act , 1899Indirect TaxesPrevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002Key Policy AnnouncementsDirect TaxesRates of income tax No change has been made in the slab rates of Income-tax for individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI, firms and companies. Surcharge @10%...
Highlights of Union Budget 2018-2019
Direct TaxesChanges in Personal & Corporate TaxationTaxability of Long Term Capital GainRelief to Sick CompaniesBenefits to New Start UpAmendments in ICDSIndirect TaxesAmendment in Custom Act,1962Amendment in Advance Ruling ProvisionsChanges in Rate of Custom...
Highlights of Union Budget 2017-2018
INMACS Management Services Limited (INMACS, India) is a member of “INMACS Global, Hong Kong” an international network of Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Lawyers and Management Consultants. INMACS Management Services Ltd.
Highlights of Union Budget 2016-2017
Direct TaxesPersonal & Corporate TaxationThe Income Declaration Scheme 2016Direct Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme 2016Indirect TaxesService TaxCentral ExciseCustomsFCRAForeign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010IntroductionTo maintain a competitive edge in this...